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The first annual meeting of Zhongyuan Industrial Company came to a successful conclusion

Number of visits:0次     Release time:2020-12-26

The first annual meeting of Puyang Zhongyuan Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd. was held in the conference hall on the 7th floor of the Baiwei Convention Center Hotel on December 26, 2020.

Mr. Yang Shuxian, the chairman of the industrial company, and the general managers of Puyang Lianzhong Xingye Chemical Co., Ltd. and Puyang Leibirui New Material Technology Co., Ltd. watched the performance of this annual meeting together. The colleagues present felt the strong atmosphere of the activity.

The gala has four links, namely, leaders' speech, summary and commendation, artistic performance and annual dinner.

Yang Shuxian, the chairman of the company, first of all extended his New Year greetings to all the employees, expressing his deep concern for the employees and his expectations for the development of the company. The leader's speech was full of deep feeling and inspiring. He believes that the company will reach a new level in 2021.

Then the award ceremony was held, and the four advanced teams and 34 outstanding individuals of the company in 2020 were commended and rewarded.

The party integrates songs, dances, magic, chorus, poetry recitation, three and a half sentences and other elements, the program is brilliant climax one after another, to the employees of the company has brought a unique visual feast.

Exciting raffle activities, rich and colorful prizes is the climax of the whole party.

After the party, all the staff went into the banquet hall for dinner.

The whole annual meeting came to a successful conclusion in a harmonious, warm, passionate and joyful atmosphere. While enjoying the program, the employees gained a touch and a tacit understanding connected with the heart of the enterprise, which showed the energetic, positive, united and enterprising spirit of the employees of the industrial company.